Judy is passionate about helping people to develop resilience, emotional mastery and self-help strategies that will promote peace of mind, self-esteem, wellbeing and recovery.
Judy embraces narrative therapy principals that view people as separate from their problem. Judy draws from the work of Dr Ncazelo Ncube Mlilo (Tree of Life and CouRRage). Judy believes in developing people’s self-esteem and confidence by helping people to recognise their existing internal and external strengths. Judy uses The Grow Model a recognised life coaching tool, along with visualizations, person-centred and emotional focused counselling techniques to shift emotional blocks and negative mind programming.
Choice and empowerment are key themes in Judy’s Mindspa, and Judy can put together a flexible and bespoke emotional wellbeing package for individuals, families, teams and community groups to suit need.
Judy is pictured above (left) . with author, wellologist and emotional mastery coach, Candice Camille. www.candicecamille.com and (right ) author, global Speaker Trainer and results coach Vanessa McLean. www.speakglobalnow.com
Young entrepreneur (below right) illustrates resilience through journal keeping and strategising. School planners are available on request.